Monday, 25 January 2016

Draft 2 Questionnaire Feedback

We gave our Draft 2 Questionnaire to 30 A Level Students and a couple of students who are currently studying media at university. The dominant feedback we received is that the narrative is not clear enough. After watching our video many people asked us to clarify what the story was about and after we briefly explained they found the story did make sense. The answers to the 'is there anything you would change' question were all very similar. The feedback was to basically add some more footage to emphasise the face that the man is studying in Newcastle and that he misses home. To do this we plan to shoot another filming day at Newcastle University and feature signage and other obvious indicators that he is studying here.

Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Draft 2 Music Video - America

This is the second draft of our music video. We have applied changes that arose from the two interviews we conducted with two members of our target audience. These mainly included a couple of shot changes and timing issues.