Monday 13 October 2014

Questionnaire Analysis

My questionnaire provided me with a lot of answers allowing me to tailor my magazine to hopefully fit my target market most appropriately. My primary target audience in terms of age will be 18-35 as this was the age of 60% of the people who chose to participate in my questionnaire. I won't be designing towards a specific gender due to the fact that the results I received were almost very split; 60% male and 40% female. I have decided to make my magazine monthly as this was the majority vote in my questionnaire. In terms of the questions regarding the most popular music act of today and who would the audience like to see featured, the answers were very even and split between a few big names. Because of this, I shall choose who to feature in my magazine by assessing and researching who are the biggest, most talked about artists at the current time. Either 70% or over voted Yes to being interested in interview features or musical recommendations in a magazine. Because of this being such a large percentage, I shall include them in my own music magazine. 50% of the participants said that the wouldn't pay more than £3 for a magazine, therefore my magazine will be priced lower than that. There was more or less a four way split when asking for a preferred colour scheme however the highest percentage of 35% was for dominantly black, but due to the fact all answers were quite split and there was no clear feedback, I think I will use a mixture of a few darker colours. 55% said they would prefer to see albums advertised, therefore that is what I shall include. 55% also said that the cover star would prevent them from buying a specific magazine, so I must be very careful when deciding on mine.