Monday 14 September 2015

Music Video Research

I want to spend some time researching existing music videos and use analytical techniques in order to gain inspiration and ideas when planning, shooting and editing my own. I  want to study mise-en-scene, editing techniques and shot types/filming styles. To do this I plan to look at three contrasting videos:

Settle Down - The 1975
Lego House - Ed Sheeran 
A Song About Love - Jake Bugg

I chose Settle Down because the video is set in a lot of social realist surroundings in the North East of England, just like the section of our video where the man will be stuck in Tyne and Wear, wanting to leave. I think that the surroundings are illustrated perfectly in the video and are incorporated into the movement of the artist very well; I hope to replicate this after studying how it's done professionally. Lego house is full of a variety of different shots of a male man, I wish to gain ideas from this video and potentially shoot our character using some of the same shots. This same point applies for the Jake Bugg video I will be studying, it features a man wandering around his surroundings looking aimless, negative and consequently the audience sympathise with this. I want to try and replicate this as much as I can. 

My partner Sarah also studied two music videos, Ben Howard 'Only Love and New Politics ' Tonight You're Perfect.' I will work with her to discuss her findings and potentially use her study also to sculpt our final piece.