Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Music Video Editing - Session 5
At 2:31 the second chorus begins and we introduced this by using a fading transition to merge a shot of the Baltic building in Newcastle with the new World Trade Centre in New York. Before the tempo dramatically increases we included a cut to black to display a clear change in locations. When the lyrics say 'lift me up' we wanted to include worms eye view shots showing the scale of the city emphasising the height of the buildings. Within the chorus the word 'America' is repeated frequently and after playing with different timings on iMovie we decided to change each shot on the word America to make the video really fit with the song and flow with the phase and tempo of the song. These shots don't change dramatically on the word America, sometimes the same setting is shown just from a different angle. At the end of this section of the song are the lyrics 'give me strength to press on,' here we have included a shot I filmed from the Rockefeller Centre which shows the entire length of Central Park through to the other end of Uptown New York. This shot features miles of land which I think can be used as a visual metaphor of moving forward to 'press on.'